Thursday, January 31, 2013
Drag Show
I don't know if I have mentioned this before. Well if I have you will have to excuse me. I was told about this place that has Drag Shows. Unfortunately its quite a distance again. So I was thinking that for My next me Time if everything works out. I will try to go to one of the shows. I don't why these things always have to be quite a distance. Then again I know. lol. We live in a very Conservative area and when I say conservative I mean it. Well that pretty much spells that Out. If you know what I mean. Very seldomly will I give Out any personal Info. That's one the first things I was told when going on to the Forums. Do not give Out any personal Info out. Not that I do here anyway. Just every now and then I will give Out Hints. You really have to be on your Toes to catch them.
Just Now
So just now as opposed to now now I will be travelling to see My Therapist. Which I have to say has been 7 weeks since I last saw My Therapist. Long time don't you think? I have so out of it for awhile that I am really not feeling anything about it at the moment. Neither Joy, happiness or anything. I normally look forward to these Sessions. Maybe I have become Apathetic. I will however say that it has been a bit of a stain getting back into the Routine since I was away. Hopefully I will be able to get back into. For the moment I pretty much nonplussed. That's why going away is easier when you do the going its the coming back that is a pain in the ......... (once again you fill in the blank) you know what I mean
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
If there is one Band that I can use to describe myself with. It would be Placebo. There Lead Singer Brian Molko is my all time Fav Lead Singer. For many reasons. Not to mention that he is Androgynous. Which is the way I view Myself for the Time I am in The Closet. It helps to have some thing that is obtainable while I am Stuck. It might not make sense to you. But it helps me a lot. it does not change the fact that I am Trans.
Well I am certainly having Fun with My Tumblr Blog. Not to say that I don't have fun with this one. Its just this one is a little more serious than the Other. I don't Post posts on the other one just Sayings and Vlogs. The Vlogs which I ordinarily watch. If there are ones I like then I Post them there. I feel that every now and then I need to repeat myself especially if there New you's. So if you've read this before that is reason for this.
Absolute bliss the Workmen have finally left which makes for blissful time in Space. lol. Nothing like a blissful state of Bliss. lol. Oh I am just being silly now.
We have got workmen in the area again. Which I hate with a passion Not the People but the bloody noise. its enough to make you wanna Scream. The annoying thing is that you never know when its going to stop. So that is the real irritant beside the noise. So for the moment Screamm. I cant hear myself Think.
Well I think that I have Officially run out of Trans Vlogs for the moment. Unless there is secret channel that I am not aware of. lol.( Obviously it comes down to personal preference) Then again My blog is not about Vlogs at all. I just Post since they give perspective into other T Girls realities. I will however Post other Vlogs to my Tumblr Blog if I find stuff that does not necessarily apply to this one.
I subscribe to quite a few Channels. But there is not always something on that I would want to post.
I subscribe to quite a few Channels. But there is not always something on that I would want to post.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
If you ever think of Transitioning. Then you must be prepared to spend a lot of Money. The Hormones is a constant and you will have to take them for life. Plus you need to be monitored when your on Hormones. So that includes Doctors visits. You will also need the Doctor and a Psychologist to sign off on SRS if you ever intend going that route. So you need to see a Psychologist on an ongoing basis. Then there is all the Surgeries like FFS which is Elective so if you already have a Feminine face your blessed. There might be other Surgeries to do if your not happy with your Body in some way. So all in all not a cheap thing to do. Plus beside all of this you still need to be able to support yourself. Talk about a long Journey. I am not trying to dissuade you. I just want you to prepared for all the hurdles you have to take on. So if your up for the Task go for it.
Watching some of the Vlogs with FFS. Unfortunately they aren't very comprehensive. There really isn't before and after. So that you can see if the surgery is effective or not. The other thing is just how much correction they can do. In other words if it only People that are kinda Feminine facially that they can enhance or whether they reconstruct someone that does not look feminine at all. Well I will post one because it has an explanation as to what can happen but unfortunately it does not have "After" part to it. Plus its all in English subtitles. Since Dr Bart is Belgium.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Tranny Sessions
So Awesome My Therapist phoned me to day to make a time for me to go. It was a bit of a Surprise but a good one so soon we ill back into Routine Except this year I am Hoping to change the day that I go to see the Therapist. So all in all good news in as o far as this go. The Highlight of My day. So I will be having My Tranny Sessions . How Awesome is that.
Ok Lets Spell it out yes people know I go to a Therapist but they know that I go there for My Depression. Instead I use these sessions to speak about my being a T Girl. The Therapist is not allowed to tell anyone what goes on in the Sessions. So as far as they concerned I am there for My Depression. So hence Tranny Sessions. My Therapist is the only one that I am able to speak about My issues to.
Ok Lets Spell it out yes people know I go to a Therapist but they know that I go there for My Depression. Instead I use these sessions to speak about my being a T Girl. The Therapist is not allowed to tell anyone what goes on in the Sessions. So as far as they concerned I am there for My Depression. So hence Tranny Sessions. My Therapist is the only one that I am able to speak about My issues to.
All the Time
I seriously don't know why it happens. Quite often I think to myself I must post this thought on my Blog and discuss it. Then when it comes to Posting I have forgotten completely about what I wanted to post. lol. its kinda like when you intend doing something and then on the way to do it you remember something and by the time you get to were you wanted to go initially You have forgotten what it was you intended doing in the first place. This happens to me quite a bit. Not too often but enough to notice That I do it.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Oh Right
Oh Right I almost Forgot. So we went to see a Movie yesterday and saw I would say a serious Movie which ended up being a Comedy. laughed so much it was good Therapy for me. Just to get My Mind off of things. So all in all it was a good outing.
So we went to a New Mall up the Drag. Just to take a Gander (Look). Have to say that it was a bit of a let down since it was pretty much the same as all the other ones that are the same. Malls dependent of the type end up having all the exactly the same brand names in them dependent on who there Target market is. Well you need to be a Rocket Scientist to figure that one out. Oh I say The Lady Doth Protest too Much. lol
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Ordinarily I post only one episode at a time but since Jazz's ones bled into the next one I had to put all three in a row. Well that makes sense to me at least. There will be times when I will not run into anything and it will just be Posts as it has been in the past. I have expressed before that this is not an Entertainment Blog. It really is Therapy for me which was prescribed by my Therapist ( Psychologist ). So for the most part the Vlogs for me is just to be able to emerse myself in all that is Trans. Its kinda Therapy for myself since its something I cant do I get to see others do it for me. Which sounds logical to me I don't know about you. Lets say I am living vicariously through those on the Vlogs.
So later today I'll be going out to watch a Movie and maybe do something after that. I know this is staggering news. lol. Just getting out not as Trans just as the Male me but you should know that by now. What with the Closet thing and so forth. Cold you Imagine if it were the other way round. One can only Dream right.
Friday, January 25, 2013
I think for the most part it is slowly and I mean slowly getting a bit better for the younger T Girls. As opposed to the more mature T Girls have a lot more to go through than the younger Ones. Well it goes without saying that that is the case. Younger ones don't need to worry about work and where they are going to live etc, etc. So for the Most part they are at an advantage. Most of this is just common sense. Still it does not make ant easier for people like Me and Others that are facing the real challenges without the support of Family etc.
You Lucky Fish
No Doubt what so ever. Jazz you are One Lucky Fish. Imagine having come Out so early. Well to large degree not necessarily come Out per se. For the Family had some Inkling that things weren't the Norm when it came to Jazz. As you see in the Vlog. So to have to go through all the Crap at an early Age and get on with Life. What a Pleasure. Even more so to have a accepting Family and nurturing OMG one can only hope and Dream. What a Pleasure I can not use enough Adjectives or Superlatives for that matter and all the rest. What a Wonderful Gift to get it right from such an early age. Yes there is stuff to go through but at least She has Family and Age on Her Side.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Just every now and then or quite a lot do I wish that this was all over.No I don't mean committing suicide although the thought has crossed My Mind. I just wish everything could be normalized. That I just could all of this over. It is no fun being depressed its no fun being stuck in the closet. Its nor fun not having any T Girls for Friends and I mean live in the Flesh. It no fun not having any friends too turn to that know who you are and what your going through. Plus to have to watch all these T Girls that are living there lives out in the open is even worse. Not that I am not happy for them. I am grateful that there are those that can be themselves. Plus your gonna hear this time and time again for its something I have to deal with on a ongoing basis. it never changes for me. Sometimes I am just more aware of it than others it does not mean that its not there.
I Was
I was I were , lying in bed and I did not have the Duvet on and I was looking down at my feet imaging I was this Tall Leggy Beauty.( A Girl is allowed to Dream) Then I thought to Myself Damn Girl would that not be fine. Now notice I did not say Blonde or whatever. Because that really does not matter. No it does matter especially with dye and wigs to choose from. Not that I have any Wigs that is. Still the thought is hair is changeable bodies are not. Well to some degree at least what with Plastic Surgery. Now where is that Fairy God Mother I think I should fire Her since she has done nothing for me. lol. Ok so today I am being just a little bit silly. I suppose its because I have been watching some hilarious Vlogs that has got me in the mood. At least its better than being depressed I would say.
I think I have rescued My Computer and Internet for the moment. Here is hoping that I am right. Because if I am not then there will be a Problem getting onto the Net. Duh. lol.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
So at the moment My Computer is giving some trouble. Yeah I know if its not the Net then its the computer. It just never ends does it. The reason I'm writing this is just in case I cant get back into and have to get it repaired then you will at least know why I am not posting. It took me quite awhile to get into to it today. I think it was more of a flook than anything else. Nothing to do with me
So yes to a large extent I live in a Cave. What I mean about that is I don't watch too much Telly. Well all the normal Telly like everybody else. So sometimes I only discover things after the fact. Like the clips below but I at least did discover them and not on Telly on You Tube. So to some degree I might find out about certain things if they are posted on You Tube and follow one of My Interests. So My Cave does have a small window on the world. When I say small I mean really Small.
Not Every Day
This Music post is an unusual one in that I don't often post something like this but when I saw this One I thought what the heck People need to see this if they have not seen it already. Plus it brought Tears to My Eyes and hopefully it will touch you as well.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Some How
I am slowly amalgamating with the Trans side of me. This Probably does not make sense but My personas are kinda taking a back Seat. I just have to make sure that none of the Feminine gestures etc come out. Its more like that I have taken the stance that for the Moment I have taken On An Androgynous mind Set. Making it easier to cope with the being in The getting used to the Meds has taken awhile. Still getting used to them and trying to recoup all that I lost going on these Meds. Believe it really does change you. I would not be able to describe the total extent as to how. Yet I will say that it does even you Out. So your not too much on one side but in the Middle. For Instance your not Depressed as much as you were but at the same time your not Happy. Your stuck in the Middle between the two emotions or States. So it takes getting used to. That's why I said I have try and Recoup that which I have lost of Myself. If this does not make too much sense. Then I am Sorry for this really is no other way I can Explain it. It really needs to be experienced.
For the Moment
Well for now I am continuing My Tumblr Blog ( I am still thinking about whether it makes sense to keep two Blogs going. I just have not made My Mind Up yet. The logic is the the Tumblr one is for the Vlogs I follow. I obviously do not post all the ones I follow just the ones I like a lot from the Ones I follow.
Yeah so I cut My Nails because I was told to. I have left my pinkies as is I will have to just make sure they are not too long to cause any hassles. That did not last too long. Its cool . Not to worry since that is the least of my Troubles. it wont change My situation in the Least.
Well I have to say that My Dreams continue to be really awesome. I suppose it cant continue to be so for ever. So I will try to enjoy them as long as it lasts. I am still able to narrate them to some degree. What I mean by this is that I am able to determine the path they follow to some extent. Like this Mornings one was quite Interesting.
I am So Lucky to have even got the Internet to respond to this Post it has been moving like Treacle to day. I will have to phone My Isp anyway to find out what its happening. Nothing worse than having a Non responding Internet connection. Here is hoping that it stays like this long enough for Me To Finnish My Posts for the day. For the moment it is responding but has been doing that the whole day.
Monday, January 21, 2013
So I decided to drag my Body to the Gym again today. Since I decided that last week it just was not happening. So I decided to start things off slowly since it has been Over a month since I was gyming. Which thankfully was the right thing to do since last week I could not manage my full routine that I was doing before the Festive Season. It just goes to show exactly how much you fall behind in one Month. Remember that I am not a Gym Bunny. That is I don't spend My life in the Gym and don't take it that seriously as some People do. Its just there to get me into Shape so I look Normal. Not like a Lollipop.
My Internet just had a Wobble. Which I hate for there is not much you can do beside call your Isp. Theses are the times I want to scream when everything is going smoothly and then wham no Internet. Its like are you kidding me what the Hell is going on. Thankfully it came right just as I was going to phone My Isp. Which I really dont like doing since they always have a million and One excuses for why its not happening
Sunday, January 20, 2013
I think there is a temptation to want to take short cuts when Hormones is concerned. meaning that some people would rather just do a DIY form of Hormones than visit the Doctor. This is one area you don't want to Self medicate. Since there is so much that goes into it. Plus you need to be supervised by a Doctor. In this area it goes without saying that you need to be cautious since you are messing with the Chemical Balance's of your Body. So Please do not do a DIY on yourself when it comes to this area of Transitioning.
Ok so I'm Having Fun doing my Tumblr Blog. It require a bit of work for me to choose which Vlogs I wanna Post. In another way I don't have to put so much work into as this one does. This is more a Journal than just a Fun Blog. Okay I'm not complaining. I was drawing a comparison between the two.
Yet again its a Rainy cold day. Got up quite late today. Will probably go a snuggle up later on the Bed. Just love these kinda days for getting cosy and resting. lol. Well that's what these days were created fro. lol. Plus a Girl can never get too much Beauty Sleep. No days like this are not made for going out. I don't know where you came up that Idea .lol. Certainly not me. A nice Cup hot something a cosy Blanket maybe a book or Movie or maybe neither. Its a Girls prerogative As to what she wants to do. And no justification needed at all. lol. I luv me cosying up who does not. Plus My Brain does not work as well on Cold Days. lol
Saturday, January 19, 2013
All our Stories have a common thread which will be heard if you hear enough T Girls stories. The thing that is different is the places, names. How the situations are dealt with. A common Thread is that we all had or still have to come to the realization of who we truly are. The there is the notifying others in other words Coming Out. How we coped is different etc etc. So we are able to identify common Threads and this is the thing that makes us able to identify which each other. What am I saying is this surely this is the thing that should bond together and that is the Shared experience. But is not always the case. Which in of itself is quite Sad. I think that some times we become so Self Involved that we forget to reach out to others.
Cup Cake
I just had a Red Velvet Cup Cake. Which I have to say was not that Bad. Not like the Ones I had on My Trip. They were Cakes but awesome Red Velvet Cakes. If I ever go the same region again I will certainly make sure I will have some again since it was so good. Yum
Its Raining again and I was able to catch some Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzs. Which as you well know I love to bits. Nothing better than a good snooze while its Raining.
I also Love it when it Snows. But when it Snows it does not make a sound. So Snow makes up in the fact that it is so Beautiful.
I also Love it when it Snows. But when it Snows it does not make a sound. So Snow makes up in the fact that it is so Beautiful.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Just a Thought
The thing I appreciate about "My Transsexual Summer" is that the girls were Representative of those in reality. Not all Trans Girls look fabulous. Now when you go through all the Vlogs on You Tube I am still yet to come across one that does not loo good or stunning. Which by the way is not Representative of the broader spectrum of T Girls. Some people are just blessed with good looks that translate into a good looking T Girl. Which is the curse of Our Society in General. What about the norm not the exception. For example Beth Ditto she is gorgeous but not the Norm. I can think of a lot examples of people not fitting the Holywood profile of what a beautiful Person looks like. They do not represent the vast majority of People. So go ................ yourselves. ( Fill the blank with what ever word you want to put there. It really is up to you be creative) Here is to real people.
I Return
So Why is Today such a cool day for sleeping? Very good question I say to you. Well there are two things I love to hear. Firstly Rain and it it such a coo Day today for sleeping is because it was raining. So Nothing better than lying on the bed listening to The Rain and falling a sleep. I have to say I have been having these really cool dreams these days. I don't know why. But this Morning was so cool because I was narrating this one and then I would wake up and then go back to sleep continuing with e same dream. I know you would say that impossible or Incredible. yes i agree on both counts but it did happen. The second thing I love listening to is the Waves of the Ocean. So I just love the sound of the Rain and the sound of Waves. My absolute Favorite.
And it Rains Some More yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I just Loooove the Rain.
And it Rains Some More yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I just Loooove the Rain.
Sleep Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Today is One of those Days where I could easily just go back to bed for the Rest of the Day. Got out bed late and cleaned up a ;little bit got on the computer and now just feel like going back to lie down. It really is just one of those days. There are days I just don't feel like doing anything. Which happens quite often. lol. Plus the Fact that I feel there is not much to Blog about at the Moment.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
So this week is a bust in a so far as Gym is Concerned. I have decided to start again from next week since my whole Routine has been thrown out this week. Well this is one thing you should know about me is that I prefer to have a routine especially when it comes to Gym. It just might be that I am Procrastinating. So I will just have to live with that for now. It seems that it is taking me awhile to get back to Routine since I am back from my Trip. You know that when ever you do do that its hard to get into routine.
Well I started another Blog on Tumblr. Which I post all the cool parts of the Vlogs I watch. Its still early days. I might just close it down and add that part to this one. I still have to make my Mind up.
Well lets see what happens.
Well lets see what happens.
Well all the Meds story is now sorted out. Thank goodness. I did have to Travel quite far for it to sorted Out. So that when I got back I decided to have a Nap. Which turned Out to be more Than a Power Nap. Never understood this Idea of a Power nap which is supposed to be about twenty minutes to half an Hour. Well if anyone can explain that to me. If I lie down for a Nap its normally between and Hour or Two. Thats My idea of a Nap.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken"
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
I am very Glad and Happy if you are able to live your Life as you want or see fit. I would never want to impose what I am going through on anyone else. Just as Much as I would and am Glad you should then spare a thought for all of us that are stuck in the Closet. it always easier just concentrating on your self and the Things your going through. Its just that more difficult to acknowledge others and not to pay Lip Service.
Actions really do speak louder than words. It would be more appropriate to lend a hand to some one going through difficult times than just telling them you sympathize with them and leave it at that.
Actions really do speak louder than words. It would be more appropriate to lend a hand to some one going through difficult times than just telling them you sympathize with them and leave it at that.
Cool. so My nails are getting there slowly but surely. Its all a question of shaping them and keeping them really short. Well it wont make much sense until you get to see them. Which is not going to happen sorry for you. lol. I also love my new thumb ring which I am wearing all the time and will continue to. See that is at least acceptable since it does not have any Female connotations to it. Well at least none that I am aware of. So Yeah.
So yes I did go to see My Doctor today and got my Meds at the same time. Except the Pharmacist forgot to Give the one Meds. I only found out when I got home which Sucks. So that means I have to go back there tomorrow which Sucks Big Time.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
A Killer
Even today and Probably will for ever be a problem. For I can not see a future for Myself as to coming Out. Please Note that this is My Reality that I will not be able to Come Out ever. So we are back to the depression because of the Fact That I am So Lonely that it is a Killer. Even amongst People you can feel Alone because of the fact that No One really knows who and what you are and never will either. I long For Friends that would know and accept me for who I am. Being the Closet makes it even more difficult to do that. The Only Possibility is through the Net and through Forums. Which I have Tried and even the Friends I made there have slowly drifted away for various reasons. namely they have lives and they are also going through hell. So Being a Closeted Tranny is a Killer.
Just writing this enough to make me Depressed. Which if you follow My Blog is one Of The Things I suffer from. Well it goes without saying. And it will continue to be that way. Not to mention all the other things that I go through it is all vicious circle. The repetitive nature of it is also a Killer.
Just writing this enough to make me Depressed. Which if you follow My Blog is one Of The Things I suffer from. Well it goes without saying. And it will continue to be that way. Not to mention all the other things that I go through it is all vicious circle. The repetitive nature of it is also a Killer.
Differences in How the State looks after their citizens. There really is huge gaps as to how different Countries treat their Trans People. From the one side where they are taken care of right to the other extreme where is pretty dangerous even to Be Trans. As well being Lesbian or Homosexual is also Life Threatening. Well that part is well Known. Both of the extremes can be applied to a host of other things like the freedom to express yourself etc. etc. Well that applies to Coming Out and staying Out. For those that are able to come out without dire consequences happening.
Well all of this that I mention is all well known so Why even mention it. Simply because we are Envious of the Countries that are Open Minded and even go the extent of helping Trans People in various ways. I have to say these Countries are in the Minority.
Well all of this that I mention is all well known so Why even mention it. Simply because we are Envious of the Countries that are Open Minded and even go the extent of helping Trans People in various ways. I have to say these Countries are in the Minority.
Monday, January 14, 2013
A Little Bit
When I watch the "My Transsexual Summer" I get a bit depressed to see the Girls doing things together. What I would do to have some T Girls as Friends and be out in the open. Ok Screamm, Moannn, Sobbbb and just generally run with your arms in the air. Then go lie on your bed and sink into a depression.
Oh for Freedom on all fronts. You see even though your Out you might not be able to find a Job and if you don't have Money then your screwed. Oh how cruel this thing can be. Not to forget that if you don't have money then no Surgeries. It makes a lot of sense why a lot of Girls resort to Prostitution. it just tears at my heart. What is the answer? So all of this makes me just A Little Bit Depressed actually forget that a lot Depressed. No wonder I look at so many Vlogs just so I have some release from the Torment. No to mention the bit about living Vicariously.
Oh for Freedom on all fronts. You see even though your Out you might not be able to find a Job and if you don't have Money then your screwed. Oh how cruel this thing can be. Not to forget that if you don't have money then no Surgeries. It makes a lot of sense why a lot of Girls resort to Prostitution. it just tears at my heart. What is the answer? So all of this makes me just A Little Bit Depressed actually forget that a lot Depressed. No wonder I look at so many Vlogs just so I have some release from the Torment. No to mention the bit about living Vicariously.
Dont you ever get the Feeling that even if your trying to make yourself Understood that your being Misunderstood. Its almost like the other Person hears something Completely different to that which you said. I don't really know what causes this. You can be really Genuine and Sincere in your Comments. Yet they can still be misinterpreted. Yikes say something!!!!!!
Oh My Gosh, OMG, I went to Gym Today and the first thing I did was go to the Scale as I always do. You see I like to track my Weight to see if the Gyming does actually yield results ( Sorry every now and then I invent a new word. lol) Any Who I jumped on the Scale and saw I had gained 4 .. Which is not too bad as I did not go to Gym The whole of the Festive Season. Any way I went to do the gyming part and I am so unfit it is not even funny. I had to quit Half way Through because I was absolutely finished. So I am gonna have to go through this very slowly. Almost as if I was starting from Scratch.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
So I have started a new Blog which Contains The best Of the Vlogs I follow and Thoughts I have which aren't included in this Blog. Think of it as a Vlog Journal of things I am Interested In. Its still very new and I have to get the Hang of it the way the Blogs Facilities work. Plus if you want to Ask questions thee is a Facility for That. Initially don't expect to get a response Immediately. As I said I am still getting the Hang of it. I think it will be a good addition tho the Bog I have already.
I will Have to Say that it might not be everyone's Glass of Vodka ( Cup of Tea) lol. Well for those that do Enjoy.
I will Have to Say that it might not be everyone's Glass of Vodka ( Cup of Tea) lol. Well for those that do Enjoy.
My Motto
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who
mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr.
So I have got into watching Tv Series's now. Which is cool. Unfortunately I will run out of them since I have pretty much watched all of them up to the current series. There is one or two that I have to catch up to. I watch a Disc at a time which is either 3 to 4 episodes. So I go through them quite quickly. Well its Fun while it lasts.
So was running round in The Malls. I wanted to get a Thumb Ring. Which i found which is very Cool. I was looking for a certain type of Ring But They did not have them. So they only had this type that I am wearing now which is just as Cool. The thing I cant stand is when you cant find anything that you have in Mind and then you settle for something which is really not what you want. Which is Not Cool in anyway. Sometimes that happens quite a lot.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
I really want to try get My Tattoo which is on My back finished this year. I still have to find some more Money since it is so expensive. So this will be One of the things I want to get finished this year. I missed last year since I wanted to get it finished last year. So its been a Year and a bit since I have had work done on it.
So come on lets get it done this year. Stop Procrastinating. Easier said than done. Well we will give it a shot.
So come on lets get it done this year. Stop Procrastinating. Easier said than done. Well we will give it a shot.
I will say that Placebo is one of My all time Fav Bands. First of all the Music is awesome and then there is the Lead Singer Brian Molko who is Androgynous. Well there is no Transgendered Band that I could support. Plus it would have to be in the same Genre. In fact as I am typing this I am Listening to Placebo. Very Cool. Would Love to see them in Concert. Obviously I would not be able to go as I would like to. I would be Just another Straight Male attending. Little do people KNow.
One definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. My definition for Insanity is longing for something that will never come to pass. So if that's a definition of Insanity then I Plead Guilty Yesterday I was thinking about this and all the stuff I put Myself through being Envious of those that are Out and About. No kidding I do drive Myself Crazy and yet this is the Only way I survive. I don't think I would be able to survive if I did not drive Myself CrAazy which in of itself is a Dichotomy. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh. Well that's supposed to be a scream if you did not know by now. What you will notice by now is that there is cyclical nature to the stress and the things that I go through. Its like going over and over the same issues. For if your Out and About then your stresses are different to those in The Closet. For us it will cyclical for there is no release at all. I do think that I will have more Issues this year than the Previous Years. I will get into that at a later stage. Well I hope I will.
Friday, January 11, 2013
So I was watching this series over the Festive Season called "Dexter". There was one small incident where someone who is a Cop has to go to speak to some Prostitutes which just happen to be T Girls. I was yeah you show them Girls. In fact it was Heart Warming to see T Girls being represented. I am not saying that all T Girls are Prostitutes and I am also not saying that there is any thing wrong with being a Prostitute. I am more referring to the mentioning of transgender People. Slowly but surely it becomes more noticeable as time goes by which is a good thing.
So in the next couple of weeks everything will be back to Normal as if the Festive Season never happened. Next week I will be seeing My Doctor and starting that whole rigmarole all over. I will have to wait till the end of the month to hear from My Therapist. So Yeah.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
So I hope your Festive Season was a good one. Mine was a very quite one with not much going on. So there was no hangovers or Headaches. Which is cool. So for the moment I will have to do some catching up both with My Blog and watching the Vlogs I follow. Son I will have to get back in the swing of things. I have to say I did miss Blogging and keeping up with the Vlogs.
Yeah right I almost forgot I will have to get back to Gym to lose all the junk I gained over The Festive Season. lol. It's not going to be pretty at all. I think for the first month its going to be a struggle. Hopefully not too bad. So I will start on Monday and take it from there.
Yeah right I almost forgot I will have to get back to Gym to lose all the junk I gained over The Festive Season. lol. It's not going to be pretty at all. I think for the first month its going to be a struggle. Hopefully not too bad. So I will start on Monday and take it from there.
So I have just woken up from a Long Snooze. Will have to sleep again later too feel ok. So I feel a slight bit better already. Yet not quite there yet.
I'm Back
Yep Thats right the Girl is back. Now we have to get back to the Norm of Life. Which I have to say is not the Norm as most People would understand. So Lets See what this year has in store for me and you. I am bit tired from travelling so I wont be posting too much today.
I hope you all had a stunning Festive Season and did not spend all your money.
I hope you all had a stunning Festive Season and did not spend all your money.
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